10 effective remedies for dark circles

The blue-gray complexion in the area under the eye is the most evident symptom of dark circles. This blemish can be prevented and cured with specific treatments based, for example, on vitamins, compresses on the eyes, and specific supplements. Let’s find out. What are the natural remedies against dark circles?

Dark circles are a blemish that occurs when a darker complexion appears in the area under the eyes, sometimes even bluish-gray. This is because the skin around the eyes generally thins, and the small underlying blood vessels are visible.

Often people who have dark circles experience dehydrated and susceptible skin. They can be a temporary or permanent phenomenon: in the first case, dark circles are highlighted, especially in the morning, once they get out of bed, and they tend to disappear throughout the day.

In the second case, this problem is permanent and accompanied by other symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, edema, dehydration, loss of elasticity of the tissues, wrinkles, and vasodilation.

In nature, there are remedies for dark circles that can prevent and alleviate this problem and help us live our day better. But first of all, it is essential to understand the causes of dark circles and then act with specific treatments.

The main causes of dark circles

The main causes of the dark circles are:


Among the main causes of dark circles is the lack of hydration of the body due to physical problems and fluid retention. Dehydration of the tissues causes vasodilation with the appearance of dark circles.

Micro-circulation problems

If the circulation of the eye and the surrounding area does not work well, it is easier for dark circles and bags to appear under the eyes, with localized swelling and accentuated redness.


It is a pervasive case, especially in spring, when pollen is spread in the air, or the case of hay fever or some food allergy. The eye appears irritated and watery and dark circles, and puffiness appears; if no action is taken, irritation can also cause some more important inflammation, such as conjunctivitis.

Stress and tears

Unfortunately, stress generates dark circles in many cases, especially when the tear ducts are stimulated.

Insomnia and fatigue

The phenomenon of dark circles is widespread in the morning as soon as you wake up, just because keeping your eyes closed for many hours, without muscle stimulation, generates puffiness and dark circles. Likewise, the disorder occurs if you don’t sleep enough, and the eye looks tired and red.


The advancing age favors the problem of dark circles because the skin ages, thins, and micro-circulation problems and edemas appear.

Iron deficiency

Persistent dark circles and pale skin can be caused by anemia and iron deficiency, for which specific blood tests are appropriate.

Genetic predisposition

Dark circles may be due to a genetic predisposition and to the shape of the eye: the sunken eyes tend to show a depression that creates dark shadows underneath them.

10 remedies to eliminate dark circles

How to eliminate dark circles? To mitigate this problem, there are several natural remedies. Let’s see them in detail:

1. Decongestant eye packs

After a day of work or just getting up in the morning, it takes ten minutes to make redness and deflate the compress on the eyes.

Ingredients: mallow and chamomile decoction, lavender water, cotton disks.

Procedure: leave overnight in the refrigerator 5 ml of lavender water together with 5 ml of mallow and chamomile decoction that you have previously prepared and left to cool. All the ingredients have soothing, deflating, and decongestant properties.

Dip two cotton pads in this solution and apply them to the eyes. Stay for ten minutes lying down, enjoying the properties of these hydrolases. You can repeat this treatment as many times as you need it.

This remedy also exploits the action of cold to stimulate blood circulation and thus decrease the dark signs due to dark circles.

2. Natural eye drops based on euphrasia

Eyebright is a natural substance capable of decongesting the eyes, promoting circulation, and reducing localized dark circles and puffiness. You can buy eye drops based on Eurasia in herbal medicine or pharmacy.

3. Cucumber

It is one of the most well-known natural remedies for dark circles, thanks to the moisturizing, antiseptic, and refreshing properties of this vegetable. We recommend following this simple recipe:

Ingredients: two slices of cucumber, water.

Procedure: Take a cucumber and cut two slices of about half a centimeter. Wash and dry the slices gently and apply them to the eyes. Leave on for at least a quarter of an hour so that the cucumber releases all its nutrients. You can repeat this treatment for dark circles two or three times a week.

4. Blueberry based supplement

In many herbalist shops, blueberry-based supplements are on sale, which promotes microcirculation and can help you to relieve bags and dark circles under the eyes. Also, they will strengthen the blood vessels. Before taking supplements, ask your doctor for advice.

5. Antioxidant substances against skin aging

In this case, you can act with supplements based on vitamins and minerals that bring functional substances to the tissues in degrees to counter premature skin aging.

6. Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is an excellent natural anti-wrinkle. It can be used successfully to treat dark circles since it reduces wrinkles, smoothes the skin, and moisturizes the eye area. This oil also has a stimulating action that helps prevent and reduce bags under the eyes.

7. Specific eye contour creams

We recommend you use specific cosmetic products every day to hydrate the skin and activate and strengthen the microcirculation, such as blueberry extract, sweet clover, or Centella Asiatica.

8. Mineral makeup and natural concealers

This remedy will help you to hide dark circles through the use of natural correctors and light-colored powders that contrast the typical grayness of dark circles. They are products to be applied directly to the affected areas before completing the make-up with foundation or face powder.

9. Deflating cornflower

This is one of the most effective dark circles and bags remedies. You need to make compresses on the eyes with cornflower hydrolase and leave them on for 20 minutes. The cornflower will deflate tired eyes and lessen dark circles.

10. Meditation and relaxation

To counteract the stress that is one of the causes of dark circles, it is recommended to spend time on relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga. Practice them regularly, and you will also benefit from this problem.

How to prevent dark circles

The best remedy for dark circles is certainly prevention. Let’s start with the simplest, but not always obvious. The first remedy to prevent the formation of dark circles is the rest.

Sleeping at least eight hours a night helps the body to remove waste and produce new cells. If you shave insomnia, you can take herbal teas based on chamomile, mallow, and Linden, which help you relax and sleep more easily.

In order not to tire the eyes and avoid the appearance of dark circles, avoid spending many hours in front of the computer or television and reading in the shadows.

To mitigate the dark marks under the eyes, it is also useful to act on the capillaries, taking antioxidants and foods that strengthen the capillary wall.

For this purpose, it is good to include red fruits in the diet daily, including blueberries, blackberries, pomegranate, rich in flavonoids, fruit with a high content of Vitamin C, such as oranges, and kiwis and drink two cups of green tea a day, a powerful antioxidant.

To avoid aggravating dark circles, it is also necessary to eliminate or drastically reduce cigarette smoke as it damages the capillaries and blood circulation.

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