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For the care of aesthetics and beauty, we often resort to products with Inci (or list of ingredients) that are not highly recommended, rich in aggressive chemicals for the skin, and very harmful to the environment.

We must not forget that you can achieve natural beauty with some simple ingredients that we have at home most of the time (for example, example lemon and yogurt), with the help of plants and herbs such as chamomile, turmeric, and ginger or with vegetable oils.

Such as that of sweet almonds, jojoba, argan, or the most commonly used olive oil, all-natural remedies rich in emollient, moisturizing, and anti-aging properties. In this section, you will find many guides and useful tips to take care of your natural beauty with natural remedies and DIY recipes.

Breast stretch marks: Pregnant and not only

Breast markings are unsightly and can cause discomfort to women. Preventing them is possible thanks to specific creams and oils. For breast stretch marks, there are natural remedies or invasive interventions that promise miracles. We deepen…

Stretch marks: Red can still disappear

Eliminate red stretch marks, can you? Yes, although perhaps not completely! We know the red stretch marks and the creams and oils to eliminate them. Red stretch marks affect women and men alike. They can be caused by a sudden increase in…

Argan oil for hair to caress

The Argan oil on hair makes them docile to the comb, soft to touch, and shiny to the eye. A treatment that you cannot do without. There are many properties of Argan oil, but it certainly stands out among all of what he can do for his…

Jojoba Oil: Use for hair and not only

Jojoba oil is rich in emollient and moisturizing properties. Perfect for facial care, it is also suitable for children's skin. In addition, jojoba oil for hair is irreplaceable. Jojoba oil derives from the cold pressing of the fruits of…

Natural remedies for hair loss

Nutrition, natural remedies, and prevention: let's see how to fight hair loss and reinforce it. The state of the hair is a reliable indicator of the health of our bodies. Along with nails, eyes, and skin, the hair also clearly indicates…

9 Tips for beautiful legs

The beauty and health of our legs undoubtedly depend on genetic predisposition, but we can do something to help mother nature. Follow these 9 tips regularly, and you will see significant results. Say good-bye to sedentary life: the…

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