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Seborrheic Dermatitis: Causes and Prevention

Seborrheic dermatitis is a prevalent inflammatory skin disease. Various conditions have been observed that may favor it and others that help prevent and reduce its symptoms. There is a form of seborrheic dermatitis that is typical of the…

10 effective remedies for dark circles

The blue-gray complexion in the area under the eye is the most evident symptom of dark circles. This blemish can be prevented and cured with specific treatments based, for example, on vitamins, compresses on the eyes, and specific…

Red Spots on the Skin: What can they mean?

Sometimes you may notice the appearance of red spots on the skin. What is it about? If you have noticed the appearance of some red spots on your skin or maybe a single red spot the size of a lentil, you are probably wondering if there is…

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